Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Womens Day Quiz Answers

Hello my lovelies 

so i am back <3 
and i wanna wish all those strong women who stand alone in this big world and face all the difficulties themselves A VERY BIG BELATED INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY! <3 love u all...

so i am here with the woozworlds womens day quiz  

The Answers to the Women's day quiz:
1. 1948
2. False
3. 17
6. True
7. 108
8. True
9. 0
10. False

keep watching our blog
and yeah am updating the become a member form 
its gonna be better :3 
shizukatiya xx

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Fairy Tale Quiz Answers- Woozworld

Hey Loveliessssss
missed you all so much :*
well my exams are totally taking over my woozworld life and that includes my blogie and you all <3
but somehow i managed to write these answers for you!!
i am announcing ajlatham as a official member of woozworlds cute secrets!

Now, Fairy Tale Quiz Answers!
1Q) Two German authors wrote many fairytales that are still famous to this day. What was their last name? 
1A) Grimm
2Q) What fabulous tale follows the story of a young woman with very, very (very) long hair?
2A) Rapunzel
3Q) What is the name of the evil fairy from "Sleeping Beauty"?
3A) Maleficent
4Q) In Disney's Snow White, what is the name of the dwarf without a beard?
4A) Dopey
5Q) What is Cinderella's evil step-mother's name?
5A) Lady Tremaine
6Q) Who gave Pinocchio the power to speak and move?
6A) The Blue Fairy
7Q) What is the Prince's name in Disney's "Beauty and the Beast"?
7A) Adam
8Q) What famous author wrote "The Princess and the Pea"?
8A) Hans Christian Andersen
9Q) In "Jack and the Beanstalk," what is the 3rd item that Jack steals from the Giant's home?
9A) A Harp
10Q) In Disney's "The Little Mermaid," Ursula has 2 "pets." What are they?
10A) Eels

^^ there you go with the answers!
and the prize is........(drum rolls)

500 beex and 5 wooz...... duh ikr! dude i was expecting some kind of clothes or symbz but anyways let go.....

and now with the news..
well we have some kind of fairy tale theme going on in woozworld and  we have new outfits and they are really too beautiful... there u go

and woozworld has also scrambled some outfits to  make newer princess look-giving outfits.....well i think they are elegant..

so loveliess sayonaarrraa till the next time... well i am coming back soon

shizukatiya xx
admin <3

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

              Hey guys its me ajlatham and we got a cupid quest I just finished half of it here is what u get.  -Ajlatham

Monday, 8 February 2016

Whats up with the free?!?!?!

~ Love Woozworld~

                      Hey its me ajlatham and I have been looking around woozworld for some information I can write about and what I did was went to social and I saw a lot of free. So what I have done was I went to most of those free and asked them why they were quitting here is the answers I got "it is because I have to much clothes" so there giving it away.They also say there quitting so I begin to ask them why they are quitting they say " because of the bully's on woozworld." They would also respond with " I'm getting bored of woozworld and i'm getting to old to play woozworld." Woozworld use to bring in a lot of people so it would increase really fast but when people started quitting we started decreasing. People would leave fast! Well this is all I got for you guys now bye! 

~ Ajlatham  


       Hey guys its me ~Ajlatham~ and its time to tell you whats going on with woozworld! Lately so many things have happened like Mya and Jay dating. We just got a cupid quest today! So I went to the romantic park unit and i was in the queue forever but when I was is in line I noticed how rude these woozens were. These people were screaming and fighting with each other to get out so other people could get in.I would stay away from these people
     Bye guys ~Ajlatham!

Friday, 5 February 2016

Mya and Jay DATING???!!

Hi lovelies!! 
so lets welcome our two new members!!! 
i have already invited them as authors
and they will be judged on 5-day trial basis
they are- 
ajlatham... will be writing about whats going on on woozworld <3
maya642.... will be writing posts about love in woozworld <3 
lets wish them all the best n lets support them so that they feel comfortable in woozworlds cute secrets blog!!

so the word has just came out that mya n jay are dating!! they started dating yesterday that was 5th february 2016
so i have some pics here 
take a look 

so i think that they're just an awesome couple!
i ship them do you??
let me know in the comments that do you ship them or did u like mya or jay to be with someone else 
if u know what i mean ;) 
my loves please let me know in comments n add me on woozworld!!
shizukatiya :D 

I am BACK for you all

:D HI my loveliessss
I was thinking that i would like to dismiss this blog because i aint getting better but now i have taken the decision that whatever happens i wont give up soo i am giving my whole blog a new start!! i want new members and new admins... FILL THE FORM AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BLOG TO BE A MEMBER.... because love i need you to help me....
lets come together and make this blog a success... 
So i'll be posting frequently now... and i hope u'll be joining me too please doo

Ok so i wanted to tell you that we have new outfits for VALENTINES DAY 2016!!
these are....

i personally think they are awesome but u know moneyyyyyy
well now lets get back to work
we have more valentines stuff in shopzz tooo wanna see??

these are the new things for VALENTINES!! 
i love 'em literally they are just amazing....

ok so babiesss i gotta go so byeee <3

shizukatiya :D
add me on woozworld 